Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen

In the poem Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen, the idea of dying for one’s country is criticized. 
The speaker is in a war wasteland. He is watching everything that is going on, being a soldier himself. 
He is then forced to watch one of his friends die right in front of him. 
The speaker questions the phrase “Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori” 
which in Latin means “It is sweet and fitting to die for one’s country” by the gloomy and horrific pictures he brings 
to mind in this poem. 
The speaker makes a lot of references to the chaos and destruction caused by war, the amount of death that one is exposed to.
 An angry and sad tone is used to convey the message in this dark poem. 
The author's approach puts you in a war scene and helps you understand what soldiers 
have to go through in order to make sure that we are happy back in our homeland.


“I listened to the last song,
The remaining sign of my happy throng,
‘A man down! A man down!’
One more death in a once lonely town,
Destroyed by the quest for the crown,
Life is too much of a strife,
I’d rather have died by my own knife

I cry in this unguarded animal zoo,
I take the took I swore my life to,
I left home a happy man,
Happy as I hopped into the flying can,
Now, methought, will die by someone’s han’,
Life is too much of a strife,
I’d rather have died by my own knife.”

“Save the motherland you did,
All with a heartbeat praise your deed,
Leaders worship your loyal band,
Honor and respect all in your han',
You! Holder of something so grand!
Life will always be a strife,
But you died not by anyone’s knife.”

“Lost my only pals did I,
Shot down before my very eye,
True, I live by the nation’s grace,
But honor and fame could never replace
The fate worse than death I had to face!
Won’t life always be a strife?
Didn’t I die by someone’s knife?”


In the above poem, I tried to repeat the idea of the previous poem. 
This peom is a conversation between a war veteran and a teenager. 
The veteran is talking about all the hardships he went through and what he lost, 
while the teenager is still confused as to why the veteran is still sad, despite him
living a good and prosperous life, and despite him not having died in the war.


  1. i as a homo sapien agree with the statement that has been posted above me and i think overall your poem is very good i liek how you used some of the ideas from the original poem in your own ok bye

  2. I like how you imitated the poem in your own style, yet similar to the original poem


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