As the discussion leader of the next fifty pages of Lord of the Flies by William Golding, I will give you a look at the questions asked during the discussion, the reactions of the members of the reading group and also just a brief summary of pages fifty-one to one hundred.
The next fifty pages of the book, describes basically what the small and stranded boys were doing, or tried to do in order to ensure a safe life until the day they were rescued. In Chapter three, Huts on the Beach, Jack, Ralph, Piggy and the rest try to build huts, or shelters as they call them. This came after the realization that the weather, especially at night, would not be as favorable to them. And anyway, it would be better to have a roof over their heads. As usual, the boys get into several arguments and even the chief, Ralph, starts doubting the powers he has as the leader of the rest. But with building a shelter, there came another need, to some of the boys at least. For the past few days they had been n the island, they had only been feeding on wild fruits and such but no meat! Te hunters of the group, led by their arrogant and rather stupid leader Jack want meat! In the following chapter, Painted Faces, and Long Hair, Jack and the rest of the hunters try to their level best to catch a pig, which is the only source of meat on the island. They are able to catch one, but at a huge cost, their rescue!! Earlier, some of the boys had been able to see some smoke far off the horizon, indicating the presence of a ship. This is the chance they had waited for. And with their fire being kept ablaze by the hunters and the smoke still visible, they would be rescued! Only this time, the hunters were busy hunting a pig, therefore the smoke just drifted off. This disappointed many but it really angered Ralph. Sure they celebrated the catching and killing of the pig by obviously eating it, but the actions of the hunters make sour the relationship between Jack and Ralph. Ralph even calls a meeting in the middle of the festivities. In the following chapter, Beast from Water, there is more arguing, but in this chapter, they keep on yapping about monsters. Are the monsters and beasts real or are they just child talk? Only one way to find out. Back to reading, I guess.......
The plot of these pages is basically the boys trying to survive the elements, and trying to see the next day. They try to build shelters in order to be more safe from the harsh conditions more so at night. They also try to make a smoke signal as they figure out this might save them. 

1. When the rest are trying to build the huts and shelters, what is Jack trying to do? And do you think it was fair of him?
2. What do you think the children are afraid of when they say they have seen and dreamt of beasts?
3. Do you think it was really worth it for Jack and his hunters to catch the pig?
4. What is your view on how Piggy is treated by the rest?
5. In your opinion, for the far you have read, do you really think that there is any danger threatening the boys?
6. What do you think will happen next?
The discussion was rather good and the questions I had formed were able to be answered. Nothing much was said during the discussion other than just the summary of the story and the people's thoughts on the book.


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