This time, it was my responsibility to just give a brief summary of the part of the book we read. Here is the summary of the Lord of the Flies pages 100-150.
The stranded group of boys still continue trying to survive in this epic book. Following their argument about the apparent 'Beast from Water' another so-called beast showed up. In the next chapter, "The Beast from Air" the body of a dead pilot, most probably from a fighter jet ( since this book is set during the World War 3 ) lands on the island. The body still has a parachute attached to it. A;though the landing of the body is unseen by the boys as it happens at night, something alerts them that there is still a beast on the lose. The decide to go on the hunt for this so called beast. They almost explore the entire island and almost give up, until Jack, the 'bravest' and by far the most stupid of all suggests that the beast might be high up the mountain. Of course, they have a huge argument with Ralph as usual, but in the end they decide to go up the mountain to really see if the beast is there. And that is exactly what they find. The body of the dead pilot had somehow landed at the top of the mountain, around the spot where the boys would light a fire in order to have a smoke signal. They are frightened, shaken and somehow excited that they weer finally right about there being a beast on the island.And then Jack starts yapping about hunting again. Now that they found the beast, and they knew where exactly it was, they knew they had to be more careful, but in a way, it increased the need to hunt in some of them like Jack and the rest. This is the point where the relationship between Jack and Ralph really falls apart. In the next chapter, " Shadows and Tall Trees," Jack and the rest of the hunters try to hunt down a boar, but this time Ralph was involved and this time they do not catch the pig. In the following chapter, " Gift for the Darkness," the group of boys split into two tribes. Jack is fed up with Ralph's talk about having a smoke signal and decides to go off on his own, offering anyone the chance to follow him and become a hunter as well. Obviously quite a number follow him, and the rest are left with Ralph, Piggy included. The hunters go ahead to catch another pig and have a feast and the Ralph's group try as much as possible to light another fire. In a weird twist, Simon, the small paranoid boy, discovers that it is not actually a beast that is up the mountain, but the body of a dead guy! What will happen next? Will Simon tell the others? Will the others really accept this???
The mood created by the narrator is that of suspense. They are terrified of a beast from the air, and yet the reader has no idea wetehr the beast is real or just a product of the kids' imagination. One is not so sure what will happen next; the story keeps a person at the edge of their seats as they want to figure out what will happen next.


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