Midsummer Night's Dream -- The Character Assignment

The Midsummer Night's Dream is a play written by William Shakespeare. It basically portrays love, and all the twists and turns of the relationships in the play. I was assigned a character called Lysander, a rebel, one who is not so much liked by everyone, especially the father of the girl he loves. I made a playlist of ten songs ( on soundcloud ) that Lysander would probably listen to due to his life, as portrayed in this incredible play by William Shakespeare. I have also taken the liberty to explain why exactly I chose the song, what the song actually means and how it applies to Lysander's life.

The Covers of the 10 Songs

" For aught that I could ever read,
Could ever hear by tale or history,
The course of true love never did run smooth "- Lysander



Lil Uzi Vert is one of the most contraversial rappers of the 21st century. His songs are both full of meaning and fun, and he sometimes makes references to demonic practices. However, this song is particulalrly interesting, especially when it comes to Lysander's life. As the song suggests, Lil Uzi Vert is basically saying that sometimes life does not go as you planned. You will get disappointed, the person you love might even leave you, you will be left alone. However, he says that you should just get up and continue, as stated in these lyrics from the song: "I know it hurts sometimes but you'll get over it,  You'll find another life to live." When Lysander states that the "course of love never did run smooth" he is obviously acknowledging that that is the way life goes. There will be ups and downs, especially in his relationship with Hermia. But he does not give up. He is willing to do everything to his power to make Hermia his forever. 

Jocelyn Flores



 "My love is more than his."- Lysander









XXX Tentacion is also another very interesting rapper of the 21st century. He has had his fair deals of legal issues and he had a very messed up childhood. He has been sent to prison a couple of times, and by the time I am writing this, he is facing serious charges against him for domestic violence after he allegedly even threatened to kill his now ex-girlfriend. However, his songs are very deep and some of them are really sad, as he realizes that he has not been living life accordingly. Jocelyn Flores, a song from one of his hit albums "17" is a song dedicated to a girl called Jocelyn Flores. Although I amnot so sure whether they were in a relationship or not, XXX and Jocelyn obviously knew each other. Unfortunately, Jocelyn Flores committed suicide and up to this day, Tentacion feels guilty, even though he might have not been the one who made her kill herself. In the song, Tentacion says,"I KNOW YOU'RE SOMEWHERE, SOMEWHERE..." He still loves her and he still feels guilty. This kind of love is obviously evident in Lysander, as he tells Egeus, Hermia's dad, that his "love is more than his" as he is refering to Demetrius.

"I am beloved of beauteous Hermia."-Lysander






In this song, Tentacion is obsessed with something, that is getting him depressed as time goes by. Judging from the life he is living, I manot so sure what exactly he is obsessed with. Lysander fits this category of obsession, as he is completely in love with Hermia. He does not want to hear what anyone has to say about his love for Hermia. All that he knows is that he loves her, and that that will never change, or so he thinks. He even goes against Hermia's dad's will. Lysander is true love bird, making this song perfect for him.

"I mean that my heart unto yours is knit."- Lysander








James Arthur's songs are really romantic, and this is one of the most romantic songs of his I have ever had. He talk about a girl who he met at a club, and he talks about the future they could have together. He talks about them getting kids, how they could take care of them. He even says, in one his very emotional lyrics," I WANNA LIVE WITH YOU, EVEN WHEN WE'RE GHOSTS, 'CAUSE YOU WERE ALWAYS THERE FOR ME WHEN I NEEDED YOU MOST." When Lysander says that his "heart," unto Hermia's "is knit" he is obviously seeing his future with Hermia in it. Again, Lysander is mad in love with Hermia. 

This is because of all the opposition Lysander gets from Hermia's father.










Magic, known by some as the "one-hit wonder band" is one my favourite bands of all time. They have not put out many a lot of songs of late, but whether you listen to old school hits or hip hop, you have obviously come acroos this song, and whether you liked it or not, it has some meaning to it. In the music video, a man is in love with a girl, but his father is not for it. He sees this man as good for nothing, someone who does not deserve his daughter's hand in marriage. The father even forces the daughter to start dating another man, who is well groomed, and seems to be the "better choice." However, the girl ends up getting married to the man she loves. This is basically Lysander's and Hermia's relationship summed up in one song. Egeus, Hermia's father, does not want her to be with Lysander, but instead wants her to amrry Demetrius. However, Lysander and Hermia run away to the woods, and despite whatever goes on in the woods, they end up being joined together, forever.  

"And run through fire I will for thy sweet sake."- Lysander










Calum Scott is an artist I really love. In this song, he is talking about his ex, I assume, and how he is in the corner, watching someone else kiss her. The lyrics are rather emotional: " I'M IN THE CORNER, WATCHING YOU KISS HER, OOOHH, AND I'M RIGHT HERE, BUT WHY CAN'T YOU SEE ME." In this song, Calum is obviously talking of his love to a girl who does not want much to do with him. This is a reflection of a part of the rocky relationship of Lysander and Hermia, as he is kind of rejected by Hermia when she refuses to sleep with him. However, he is still determined to get her as he says that he can run through fire for her sake.  


 "Not Hermia but Helena I love."- Lysander










My chemical romance is a band that has been there for ages, singing songs of all kinds. however, in this song, the lyrics are dark and sad, as the lricas state that " I DON'T LOVE YOU, LIKE I DID YESTERDAY." This reflects the part of the paly when Lysander tells Hermia that he does not love her, but instead he loves Helena. He had been charmed by Oberon to love the first person he sees, and unfortunately that was Helena. This seems to be one of the songs that Lysander would listen to at that moment.

Lysander just wants Hermia, nothing else. ( listen to this song carefully and you will get my point )









Runtown is a very awesome African musician, releasing hit after hit. in this hit song, energy, he basically says that no one can take away the energy he has, the energy to love whoever it is he loves. As stated before, Lysander is in love with Hermia, and to him, no one can take away the energy he has, the energy to love Hermia with all of his heart. 

Me Against the world



"Of all be hated, but the most of me."- Lysander


Simple plan is a rock band, and as it is common in all bands, they make rebelious music, the type of music Lysander would most probably listen to especially when Hernia's dad does not want him to be the one who marries Hermia. He is a rebel, a somewhat social reject, but he is determined, even if it is him" against the world."

This is when Lysander is rejected by Hermia.









Maroon 5 and Future are one of the best artists in the industry. When Lysander assks if he can sleep with Hermia, Hermia says no, which is obviously quite cold. This might be one of the songs that Lysander would jam to at this time.

Here is the playlist link on soundcloud:






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